Advancing Your Project: Twn Fiscal Sponsorship
TWN supports mission-aligned filmmakers through our Fiscal Sponsorship program, offering the benefits of non-profit status along with advisory and fundraising assistance. This essential support enables social justice media projects to launch and grow under our guidance and resources.

About the program

Fiscal Sponsorship is crucial for filmmakers seeking funding. As your umbrella organization, TWN enables tax-deductible donations and expands access to various foundation grants.
We ensure effective use of these funds and accurately report all financial activities to meet funder and regulatory requirements. Our diligent financial management aligns your project with our mission to advance social justice issues.
As part of the fiscal sponsorship program, we offer a list of film resources for filmmakers.
Become a tWN Fiscally Sponsored Project
Step - 1
Upon acceptance into the program, TWN and the project representative sign a contract, establishing a formal relationship. TWN then sets up a dedicated account for each project and ensures that all fiscally sponsored projects maintain individual bank accounts.
Step - 2
Project representatives and their teams lead their own fundraising efforts and grant applications in collaboration with TWN. While TWN does not initiate fundraising, we may assist with grant applications depending on the funder's requirements. We actively encourage and provide consultations on fundraising strategies.
Step - 3
We credit funds received from donors and grants to TWN on behalf of each project. We manage these funds in a designated account and actively acknowledge contributions by sending letters to donors, with copies also sent to the project representative. Additionally, we track and document any report requirements from donors and grantors, including their due dates.
Step - 4
Filmmakers must prepare and submit their reports to donors, grantees, and TWN. If filmmakers fail to meet reporting requirements, the connected contributors may withhold funds until they fulfill these requirements.
Step - 5
When project directors incur expenses or need funds for project-related goods and services, they must request TWN release specific amounts from their project account.
Step - 6
Project directors are required to provide an annual accounting of expenditures and a narrative progress report to TWN, along with any additional reports required by the project's funders. We will only release additional funds after verifying all expenditures associated with previously released funds through receipts.
Step - 7
At the end of each calendar year, TWN completes all appropriate IRS filings for payments made to filmmakers and any independent contractors. Filmmakers must submit all necessary receipts and invoices for reimbursements as per their grant conditions and are also solely responsible for their own IRS filings.
Your First Step:
Join Our Fiscal Sponsorship Program
Submit your Fiscal Sponsorship Program Application to begin your collaboration with us. Let’s turn your vision into reality.